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Whether on campus or throughout the Birmingham area, Green Initiative advocates for positive change. Our members have written petitions, implemented a campus glitter ban, and attended climate strikes in our city

Climate Strike
Climate Strike
Climate Strike
Climate Strike
Advocacy: About


The north Birmingham community deserves better. The decision to zone for heavy industry in North Birmingham has significantly affected the residents' health and quality of life. Despite this, the City of Birmingham lacks an advisory group for environmental justice issues. We are demanding that Major Woodfin establish an Equity and Environmental Justice Commission to properly address the concerns of North Birmingham Residents.


For more information, you can watch a workshop here and sing the petition through GASP. Special thanks to the UAB Health Policy Ambassadors and GASP for working on this project and advocating for our community

Advocacy: Text


In 2020, the Advocacy team of Green Initiative worked with USGA to create a glitter ban on campus. While these may make for a pretty picture, they can have a large negative impact on our environment through not being properly disposed up and ending up into drainage systems. These break down into micro-plastics and pollute our waterways with drastic effects such as causing hormone imbalances and infertility in wildlife animals.


This was an exciting project and represents a small step in creating a more sustainable UAB. Click on the resolution below to read more.

Glitter Band
Advocacy: Text
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